Thursday, March 4, 2010


My child hearts Mexican food. This love has opened the door for several funny Nan-isms.
1. It is not Mexican is Mek-skuh-gun food.
2. No matter how many times I try to correct her, a burrito is not a burrito. It is a buh-hee-ho.
3. She sure does love some chee dip. Not cheese dip, y'all...chee dip. Even though she knows exactly how to say the word "cheese," she has firmly held to the original toddler-Nan pronunciation. And she can take down an entire bowl full of chee dip in one sitting (although at least a third of it ends up on the table, on her shirt, or in her hair).

Are you sure you're just four?

Four new catch-phrases that have been put into regular rotation by Miss Nancy Ann Boone:
1. Nobody understands me (sometimes followed by: because I'm a kid).
2. Whatever.
3. Fine.
4. Fine...whatever.
I don't recall utilizing these little verbal gems until I was at least 13 or 14.
What is she going to start saying when she's 13 or 14? I shudder to think...
At least it's funny when she says these now (although I would never let her know that...trying NOT to encourage petulance at this point).